
Feedback from Memoir showcase performance of "Thirty Bucks"

Feedback after “Thirty Bucks.” “Good job, tough story” Greg Klob “Very powerful writing and the actor was great. Like walking down the street naked in a 20 year old’s body wearing high heels! Well done.” Janice Pennington “Wow, just finished watching “Thirty Bucks”. Every syllable touched my heart and made so present to you and all the love and worry and profound sadness you went through. Thanks for sharing your soul in such a vulnerable and powerful way.” Roger Hassett “Great story, Kathleen. Trying to dry my eyes now. Keep the faith. Thanks for sharing.” “Yes, you captured him. It was strange at first hearing his story told from someone else, but I certainly felt it. Especially him looking back with pride on his accomplishments (house, car) and then the pain of selling the things that meant something to him (fish tanks.) His old friends not being there for him hurt. I really wish I could have helped him. “Hard for someone that never experienced him to be able to reproduce his